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 Liberal Men of the Lowcountry      

Connect, Engage, Discuss, Act   


There are multiple LML social and community activities including Book Club, Current Events Luncheon, Golf Outings, Investment Club, Movie Night, Poker Night and Pub Night. LML members may join any of the activity groups below by emailing the group leader. If you are not a member, join us today!  If you are interested in being on the email list for any of these groups, please email the Group Leader and you will be on the list.  Once on the list you will receive emails from the Group Leader for the specific activity.  If not, you can still participate any time you are able by joining from the monthly Event Calendar. 


Book Club: Usually meets the Third Tuesday each month at one of the member’s houses or a local restaurant. Food, beverages, great books to discuss and fellow liberals.

Group Leader: 

Bob Poveromo,   Elliot Siegel           bobpoveromo@gmail.com    4esiegel@gmail.com


Current Events: This group discusses interesting and timely current topics, such as education issues, race issues, and state, local and national politics.  Third Thursday at noon each month lunch at Mangiamo’s. 

Group Leader: Richard Hammes      richardhammes1978@gmail.com


Golf: Golf group plays essentially twice monthly on alternating Thursdays and Fridays at various courses in the area.  An enjoyable way to meet and interact with fellow members and play golf with players at all levels. Tee times will be sent to participants prior to each outing.

Group LeaderBeau Patterson      beau@pleaserise.com


Investment Club:  The LMIC’s investment club goals are to first develop a profitable, long term and well- balanced portfolio. Meetings include basic and advanced strategic education segments as well as discussions of the changing financial landscape to help members become better investors. The objective is to socialize, have fun, and to make lots of money! Members contribute $75/month into their personal club portfolio.

Group Leader: Dave Desjardins       edaplus@icloud.com


Member Career Presentation Luncheon: First Monday of each month at Noon at OKKO. A luncheon interactive presentation by an LML member.  The topic varies each month based on the career of the member facilitating (please volunteer if you would like to be a speaker/facilitator). Attendance is limited, members must have a confirmed reservation in advance to attend.  

Group Leader: Richard Hammes       richardhammes1978@gmail.com


Movie Night: Usually the first Tuesday monthly about 7:00 PM (may vary). Theater location and movie are selected the Friday prior.

Group Leader: Alan Nelson       anelson1130@gmail.com


Poker Night: A social event with poker games for everyone. You don’t need to be a poker expert to play, just enjoy playing cards and interacting with fellow liberals. Usually meets the first Monday evening of the month at a different member’s house. Food, beverages and casual poker.  Contact the group leader to get details of games played, meeting location, etc.   

Group Leader: Doug Luba         dougluba@gmail.com


Pub Night: This group visits various pubs on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM.  Food, beverages and liberal conversation in a pub.  

Group Leader: David Benedict        dgbenedict1@gmail.com


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